11 Aralık 2012 Salı

4.sınıf 1.dönem ingilizce 2.yazılı soruları

A) Fill in the blanks with  “numbers”

eight  ............three .................. six ..................nine ................two ...............

one ................. ten ............... seven ............. four ........... five...........

B) Answer the following questions

1-What’s your name?


2-Where are you from?


3- How old are you?


4- How  are you?


C) Match the following words

Wednesday                                                 Cuma

Sunday                                                         Pazartesi

Tuesday                                                       Salı

Saturday                                                      Pazar

Monday                                                        Perşembe

Thursday                                                     Çarşamba

Friday                                                           Cumartesi

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